# Hey :wave: 🧔 My name is Marc and I'm a computer engineer working remotely from __Ottawa, Canada__. 🛠️ I lead the __Application Platform and Infrastructure__ team at [Top Hat](https://tophat.com/company/work-with-us/). Our group focuses on the core systems that the application relies on to serve customers and that our developments teams build on top of to release awesome features. 🎯 I focus on fostering __engineering excellence__ however I can, making sure that __tough discussions about quality__ are happening and upping __developer and customer experience__. 🧠 I dabble in __[open](https://github.com/tophat/) [source](https://github.com/mcataford?tab=repositories)__, __baking__ and __fermented foods__. ❓ My current interests lie in hands-on technical leadership, managing technical debt, and growing houseplants and engineering talent. 🥞 My fave stack has some __Python__ and __Javascript/Typescript__ in it, but I've been exploring (and loving) __Go__. 💬 Want to chat? Send me an [email](mailto:hello@karnov.club) or poke me on [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/marccataford/).