ALE CloudFormation Integration *ale-cloudformation-options*
cfn-python-lint *ale-cloudformation-cfn-python-lint*
cfn-python-lint is a linter for AWS CloudFormation template file.
Website: https://github.com/awslabs/cfn-python-lint
Install cfn-python-lint using either pip or brew: >
`pip install cfn-lint`. If pip is not available, run
`python setup.py clean --all` then `python setup.py install`.
Homebrew (macOS):
`brew install cfn-lint`
To get cloudformation linter to work on only CloudFormation files we must set
the buffer |filetype| to yaml.cloudformation.
This causes ALE to lint the file with linters configured for cloudformation and
yaml files.
Just put:
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.template.yaml set filetype=yaml.cloudformation
on `ftdetect/cloudformation.vim`
This will get both cloudformation and yaml linters to work on any file with `.template.yaml` ext.