#!/bin/bash ########################################################### # # Marc's environment bootstrap script. # # Table of contents # # 1. Helpers and utilities # These functions are used by individual bootstrap # steps and are reused all over. # 2. Steps # Functions implementing a specific action in the # bootstrap process. # 3. Bootstrap sequence and callsite # Where the magic happens. # This is where the ordered sequence of steps # is defined and run. # ########################################################### ########################################################### # # 1. Helpers and utilities # ########################################################### STEP_COUNT=0 SUBSTEP_COUNT=0 # Pretty-print step headers. pre_step() { STEP_COUNT=$(($STEP_COUNT + 1)) SUBSTEP_COUNT=0 echo -e "\e[1m[$STEP_COUNT/$TOTAL_STEPS] <====== $1 =======>\e[0m" } # Pretty-prints substep headers. pre_substep() { SUBSTEP_COUNT=$(($SUBSTEP_COUNT + 1)) echo -e "\e[1m[$STEP_COUNT.$SUBSTEP_COUNT] <====== $1 =======>\e[0m" } # Copies a file from $1 to $2. # # If $2 exists, checks if $1 == $2 and asks what to do. # From there, the user providing "O" will overwrite (proceed with copy), # "S" will skip the file and leave the destination as-is, and anyting else # will skip the copy altogether (i.e. "S"). copy_file() { source_path=$1 dest_path=$2 if [ ! -e "$dest_path" ]; then cp $source_path $dest_path echo "Copied $source_path > $dest_path" return 0 fi difference="$(diff $source_path $dest_path)" if [ -z "$difference" ]; then echo "$dest_path already exists, but is the same as $source_path - skipping." return 0 fi echo "Differences detected between $source_path and $dest_path:" diff --color $source_path $dest_path read -p "$dest_path already exists. What should be done? [O:overwrite,S:skip,B:save backup and copy] " action if [[ $action == "O" ]]; then cp $source_path $dest_path echo "Overwrote $source_path > $dest_path" return 0 fi if [[ $action == "S" ]]; then echo "Skipped and left $dest_path as is." return 0 fi if [[ $action == "B" ]]; then cp $dest_path $dest_path.old echo "Backed up $dest_path up to $dest_path.old" cp $source_path $dest_path echo "Overwrote $source_path > $dest_path" return 0 fi echo "Unrecognized action, doing nothing." } ########################################################## # # 2. Steps # ########################################################## # Ensures that all existing Apt packages are up-to-date. ensure_apt_up_to_date() { pre_step "Ensuring apt packages are up-to-date" if [ -z "$(apt --version 2> /dev/null)" ]; then echo -e "\e[33mApt not installed, skipping updates.\e[0m" else echo -e "\e[1mEnsuring system packages are up-to-date...\e[0m" sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y --autoremove echo -e "\e[1;32mSystem packages up-to-date.\e[0m" fi } # Installs packages as specified in apt.txt ensure_apt_dependencies() { pre_step "Installing extra packages" if [ -z "$(apt --version 2> /dev/null)" ]; then echo -e "\e[33mApt not installed, skipping packages.\e[0m" else echo -e "\e[1mInstalling packages...\e[0m" sudo apt install $(cat ./files/apt.txt) -y --autoremove echo -e "\e[1;32mSystem packages installed.\e[0m" fi } # Installs the rustup toolchain if not installed. # If installed, the toolchain is updated. install_rust() { pre_step "Install and configure Rust toolchain" if [ -z "$(rustup --version 2> /dev/null)" ]; then curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh else rustup update fi } install_omz() { pre_step "Installs Oh My ZSH" curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/master/tools/install.sh | bash } # Installs the Starship prompt and adds an initialization # command to the shell configuration file. # # Requires: install_rust install_and_configure_starship() { pre_step "Install and configure Starship" pre_substep "Install Starship via cargo" cargo install starship --locked pre_substep "Add initialization command to shell configuration" STARSHIP_INIT_COMMAND='eval "$(starship init zsh)"' if [ -z "$(rg "starship init zsh" ~/.zshrc)" ]; then echo "#Initialize Starship prompt\n$STARSHIP_INIT_COMMAND" >> ~/.zshrc fi pre_substep "Copy configuration in configuration directory" copy_file ./files/starship.toml ~/.config/starship.toml } install_nvm() { pre_step "Installing nvm to manage node version" pre_substep "Installing NVM from remote" curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.7/install.sh | bash pre_substep "Ensuring that NVM can be run right away" # Ensuring that nvm is usable right away without restarting the shell export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm" [ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" [ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" } install_gh_plugins() { pre_step "Installing gh cli plugins" gh extension install nektos/gh-act gh extension install dlvhdr/gh-dash copy_file ./files/gh-dash_config.yml ~/.config/gh-dash/config.yml gh extension upgrade --all } install_pyenv() { pre_step "Install and configure pyenv" curl https://pyenv.run | bash } # Injects a managed block in the shell configuration. inject_shell_configuration() { pre_step "Injecting managed block in shell configuration" BLOCK_DELIMITER_PATTERN="mcataford/env" WORKING_PATH=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) SHELL_CONFIG_PATH="$HOME/.zshrc" echo "Setting up shell configuration extras..." if [[ -z $(cat $SHELL_CONFIG_PATH | grep $BLOCK_DELIMITER_PATTERN) ]]; then echo "# $BLOCK_DELIMITER_PATTERN\:start source $WORKING_PATH/files/shell_extras # $BLOCK_DELIMITER_PATTERN\:end" >> $SHELL_CONFIG_PATH echo "✅ Added managed block to $SHELL_CONFIG_PATH" else echo "No changes to apply!" fi EDITOR_CONFIG=$HOME/.config/nvim EDITOR_CONFIG_FILE=$EDITOR_CONFIG/init.vim } # Injects a managed block in the vim configuration inject_vim_configuration() { pre_step "Inject managed block in vim configuration" WORKING_PATH=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) if [[ -f $EDITOR_CONFIG_FILE ]]; then echo "Setting up NVIM configuration extras..." if [[ -z $(cat $EDITOR_CONFIG_FILE | grep $BLOCK_DELIMITER_PATTERN) ]]; then echo "\" $BLOCK_DELIMITER_PATTERN\:start source $WORKING_PATH/files/extras.vim \" $BLOCK_DELIMITER_PATTERN\:end\n\n" >> $EDITOR_CONFIG_FILE.new cat $EDITOR_CONFIG_FILE >> $EDITOR_CONFIG_FILE.new mv $EDITOR_CONFIG_FILE $EDITOR_CONFIG_FILE.old mv $EDITOR_CONFIG_FILE.new $EDITOR_CONFIG_FILE echo "✅ Added managed block to $EDITOR_CONFIG_FILE" else echo "No changes to apply!" fi fi echo "Setting up git configuration..." source $WORKING_PATH/files/git_config echo "✅ Set up git configuration, see $WORKING_PATH/files/git_config for details!" } ########################################################### # # 3. Bootstrap sequence # ########################################################### TOTAL_STEPS=10 # Refer to steps.sh for step definition. bootstrap() { # System updates ensure_apt_up_to_date ensure_apt_dependencies # Development tooling and SDKs install_rust install_pyenv install_nvm install_gh_plugins # Shell & prompt setup install_omz install_and_configure_starship inject_shell_configuration inject_vim_configuration } bootstrap return