Jekyll2018-02-23T00:46:04-05:00http://localhost:4000/Your awesome titleWrite an awesome description for your new site here. You can edit this line in _config.yml. It will appear in your document head meta (for Google search results) and in your feed.xml site description.PlainInbox2018-02-22T22:33:16-05:002018-02-22T22:33:16-05:00http://localhost:4000/current_work/2018/02/22/plaininbox<p><strong>PlainInbox</strong> is a generalization of <a href="">PlainEmail</a> to arbitrary SMTP mailservers. The application provides a new kind of workflow that treats your inbox as a <em>stack</em>, reducing distraction while you process each piece of mail thrown your way.</p>PlainInbox is a generalization of PlainEmail to arbitrary SMTP mailservers. The application provides a new kind of workflow that treats your inbox as a stack, reducing distraction while you process each piece of mail thrown your way.TB2 & real-time news integration2018-02-22T22:33:16-05:002018-02-22T22:33:16-05:00http://localhost:4000/current_work/2018/02/22/