[project] name = "rotini" version = "0.0.0" requires-python = ">= 3.12" dependencies = [ "uvicorn[standard]", "python-multipart", "pyjwt", "psycopg2", "django", "djangorestframework", "django-cors-headers", ] [project.optional-dependencies] dev = [ "anyio", "black", "pylint", "pylint_django", "pytest-django", "pytest", "freezegun", ] [tool.setuptools] packages = ["rotini"] [tool.pytest.ini_options] DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="base.settings" pythonpath=[ ".", "./rotini", ] python_files=[ "*_test.py" ] [tool.pylint.'MASTER'] load-plugins="pylint_django" django-settings-module="base.settings" [tool.pylint.main] ignore-paths = ["^\\\\.venv|^/.venv"] ignore-patterns = ["^\\.#"] source-roots = ["rotini"] suggestion-mode = true [tool.pylint.format] max-line-length = 100 [tool.pylint."messages control"] disable = ["missing-class-docstring", "too-many-ancestors", "raw-checker-failed", "bad-inline-option", "locally-disabled", "file-ignored", "suppressed-message", "useless-suppression", "deprecated-pragma", "use-symbolic-message-instead", "invalid-name", "missing-function-docstring", "missing-module-docstring", "too-many-locals", "line-too-long", "too-few-public-methods", "fixme"] # Enable the message, report, category or checker with the given id(s). You can # either give multiple identifier separated by comma (,) or put this option # multiple time (only on the command line, not in the configuration file where it # should appear only once). See also the "--disable" option for examples. enable = ["c-extension-no-member"] [tool.pylint.similarities] min-similarity-lines = 10