import invoke import jinja2 import yaml import os import pathlib import typing ns = invoke.Collection() PYINFRA_COMMON_PREFIX = "pyinfra -vvv pyinfra/" def _get_tag(ctx: invoke.context.Context) -> str: """ Gets the current tag, if it exists, for image versioning purposes. """ try: out ="git describe --tags --exact-match", hide=True) return out.stdout.strip() except: return "dev" def _ensure_networks(ctx: invoke.context.Context): """ Ensures that the required networks exist. """ print("Ensuring networks exist...") output ="docker network ls -f name=spad-internal -q", hide=True) if not bool(output.stdout):"docker network create --scope=swarm spad-internal") print('\t✅ Created network "internal".') else: print('\t✅ Network "internal" already exists.') def _ensure_swarm(ctx: invoke.context.Context): """ Ensures that swarm mode is on. """ print("Ensuring swarm mode is on...") try:"docker swarm init --advertise-addr", hide=True) except: pass print("\t✅ Swarm in on.") @invoke.task() def system_updates(ctx):"{PYINFRA_COMMON_PREFIX} pyinfra/") @invoke.task() def system_reboot(ctx):"{PYINFRA_COMMON_PREFIX} pyinfra/") @invoke.task() def generate_configuration(ctx): """ Generates the service configuration file `services.yml` based on environment variables. To avoid polluting the environment, this can be called as `env $(cat .env | xargs) inv generate-configuration` where .env contains the variables. """ template_loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(searchpath="./") template_env = jinja2.Environment( loader=template_loader, undefined=jinja2.StrictUndefined ) template = template_env.get_template("services.yml.j2") with open("services.yml", "w") as outfile: outfile.write(template.render(**os.environ)) @invoke.task() def start(ctx, services: str): """ Starts one of more services, defined by a comma-separated list of labels. Services should correspond to an entry in `services.yml`. """ _ensure_swarm(ctx) _ensure_networks(ctx) current_version = _get_tag(ctx) print("Starting services...") for service in services.split(","): with open("services.yml", "r") as config: service_config = yaml.load(config, Loader=yaml.Loader)["services"][service] f"docker build -t spadinaistan-{service}:{current_version} -f services/Dockerfile-{service} .", hide=True, ) ports_args = ( f"--publish {ports}\\\n" for ports in service_config.get("ports", []) ) volume_args = [] for volume in service_config.get("volumes", []): source, target = volume.split(":") volume_args.append(f"--mount type=bind,source={source},target={target}\\\n") env_files = ( f"--env-file {env_file}\\\n" for env_file in service_config.get("env_files", []) ) try: out = f"""docker service create \ --name spad-{service}\ --network spad-internal\ {" ".join(env_files)}\ --hostname=\"{service}\"\ {" ".join(volume_args)}\ {" ".join(ports_args)}\ spadinaistan-{service}:{current_version}""", hide=True, ) except: print(out.stdout) print(out.stderr) continue print(f"\t✅ {service} is running.") @invoke.task() def stop(ctx: invoke.context.Context, services: str): """ Stops the provided list of services, as a comma-separated list of labels. """ print("Stopping services...") for service in services.split(","):"docker service rm spad-{service}", hide=True) print(f"\t✅ {service} is stopped.") services = invoke.Collection("service") services.add_task(start) services.add_task(stop) server = invoke.Collection("server") server.add_task(system_updates, name="update") server.add_task(system_reboot, name="reboot") ns.add_collection(server) ns.add_collection(services) ns.add_task(generate_configuration)