* Worker runtime
* The worker executes the tests by called `node` on them. Since each test
* is an self-contained executable file, the worker can run each of them,
* collect output and relay it back to the runner process via IPC.
* Each worker process is responsible for as many test files as the runner
* decides to assign it and files assigned to the worker are only
* touched by the worker assigned to them.
import path from 'path'
import { getContext, spawnProcess } from './utils'
function formatMessage(results: string, failed: boolean): string {
return JSON.stringify({ results, failed })
* Entrypoint for the worker.
* Retrieves paths assigned to the worker from the arguments passed when
* calling the worker runtime and spawns processes to run the test file
* pointed at by each of the paths.
* This will spawn one process per file and each process will communicate back
* to the worker's parent process as it finishes.
* If the `TS` flag is passed, the worker runs the test file using ts-node
* for Typescript compatibility.
async function work() {
if (process?.send === undefined) throw Error('No process global found')
const tsMode = Boolean(process.env.TS === '1')
const [, workerRuntime, ...assignedTestFiles] = process.argv
const context = getContext(workerRuntime, tsMode)
const extraArgs: Array<string> = []
if (context.ts) extraArgs.push('--transpile-only')
const runtime = context.ts ? 'ts-node' : 'node'
await Promise.all(
(testFilePath) =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
spawnProcess(runtime, [...extraArgs, path.resolve(testFilePath)], {
onClose: (code) => {
onStdoutData: (message) => {
process?.send?.(formatMessage(message.trim(), message.includes('FAILED')))
work().catch((e) => {