import * as ts from 'typescript' import { promises as fs } from 'fs' import childProcess from 'child_process' import path from 'path' interface ExtractedNode { name?: string snippet?: string comment?: string type?: string } interface APIDocumentationNode { sourcePath: string targetPath: string content: string } const API_DOC_PATH = './docs/' function formatFunctionDeclaration(node: ts.FunctionDeclaration, fullText: string): string { const declarationStart = node.getStart() const declarationEnd = node.body?.pos ?? declarationStart return fullText.slice(declarationStart, declarationEnd) } /* * Documentation extraction * * This extracts block comments and declared entities from source files * and reformats it so publishable documentation can be generated from it. */ async function generateDocumentation() { const rootPaths = process.argv.slice(2) const output = childProcess.execSync(`find ${rootPaths.join(' ')} -name *.ts`, { encoding: 'utf8' }) const files: Array = [] const sourcePaths = output.split('\n').filter((filePath) => Boolean(filePath)) for await (const sourcePath of sourcePaths) { const rawContent = await fs.readFile(sourcePath, { encoding: 'utf8' }) const source = ts.createSourceFile(sourcePath, rawContent, ts.ScriptTarget.ES2015, true) const fullText = source.getFullText() const extractedNodes: Array = [] ts.forEachChild(source, (node: ts.Node) => { const extractedNode: ExtractedNode = {} const commentRanges = ts.getLeadingCommentRanges(fullText, node.getFullStart()) const blockComments = (commentRanges ?? []) .filter((comment) => comment.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.MultiLineCommentTrivia) .map((r) => { return fullText.slice(r.pos, r.end) }) if (node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration) { const functionDeclarationNode = node as ts.FunctionDeclaration extractedNode.snippet = formatFunctionDeclaration(functionDeclarationNode, fullText) = String(functionDeclarationNode?.name?.escapedText ?? 'unknown function') extractedNode.type = 'function' } else if (node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration) { const classDeclarationNode = node as ts.ClassDeclaration = String(classDeclarationNode?.name?.escapedText ?? 'unknown class') extractedNode.type = 'class' } if (blockComments.length === 0) return extractedNode.comment = blockComments[0] extractedNodes.push(extractedNode) }) if (extractedNodes.length === 0) continue const targetPath = `docs/api/${path.basename(sourcePath, '.ts')}.md` let content = '' content += `## ${sourcePath}\n\n` for (const entry of extractedNodes) { content += '---\n' if ( content += `### ${entry?.type ?? ''} / ${}\n` if (entry.snippet) content += `\`\`\`ts\n${entry.snippet}\n\`\`\`\n\n` const entryDescription = (entry?.comment ?? '') .split('\n') .map((line) => line.replace(/(\/\*)|(\*\/)|(\*)/g, '').trim()) .join('\n') content += `${entryDescription}\n\n` } files.push({ sourcePath, targetPath, content, }) } await fs.writeFile(API_DOC_PATH, '# API documentation\n---\n') for await (const item of files) { await fs.appendFile(API_DOC_PATH, item.content) } } generateDocumentation()